“Call to me! I will answer you. I will tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”
Jeremiah 33:3
What a simple invitation: “Call to me!”
Whether you are filled to the brim with prosperity and happiness.
Or in need of wisdom and guidance.
Or longing for some reassurance.
Or stuck in a rut.
Or desperate.
First Protestant Church’s 2023 trypraying sermon series looks at key moments in biblical history when ordinary people prayed (or didn’t!). Each story of prayer in the bible sparks hope as we realize that there is not some impersonal force “out there” in the ether – no, God truly hears and responds when we call out to Him!
Be sure to grab a trypraying 7-day prayer booklet. We challenge you to USE IT AND THEN LOSE IT, passing along this invitation to trypraying to neighbors and friends.
God wants to tell you great and unsearchable things!