A Global Focus Mission Mindset
Global Focus Mission Statement: The purpose of the First Protestant Missions Outreach Board is to enable the spread of the gospel and to minister to others locally, nationally, and globally in the name of Jesus Christ and to encourage the growth of FPC as a global missions-minded (Acts 1:8) church.
Over 180 years ago, First Protestant Church began as a mission outpost for early German immigrants in what was then the barren wilderness of South-Central Texas. Today – as we carry out the Great Commission of our Lord in the 21st century – we go into all the world and make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20), we also live out the challenge that each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others (1 Peter 4:10). At First Protestant Church, we empower our people to serve others in various local, national, and international mission venues. We believe that we were created by God for this purpose in Jesus Christ and that God prepared in advance for us to do his work (Ephesians 2:10).
Missions Outreach Board – What We Do:
- Provide financial support to local, national, and global missionaries
- Build relationships with supported missionaries
- Provide education and missions information to the congregation.
- Provide opportunities for our members to serve alongside our missions and ministry partners.
Missions and Ministry Partners
Jerusalem (Greater New Braunfels):
- Family Promise of Greater NB
- Options for Life
- S.O.S. Food Bank
- SJRC (St Jude’s Ranch for Children)
- Salvation Army of NB
Judea (Texas) & Samaria (North America):
- Jon & Carol Shaneyfelt (Wycliffe Bible Translators)
- Ervin & Colleen Starwalt (Wycliffe Bible Translators)
- Kelly Graham and Kenny Johnson–Mision de Candelilla
The Ends of the Earth—everywhere else
- D.O.N.E. Discipling Our Nations Effectively, Inc.- Church Planting in Senegal, India, and the Philippines
- Wink & Glyn Kelso (Servants of Servants) ministering to missionaries in the field
- Mayce(Fischer)and Mathias Simonsen Vineyard Church Plant – Denmark
- Jonathan and Tatiana Ammon, ASENTLIFE/Pioneers – South Asia
Partners and Projects:
- Jim Barnes, Evangelical Association National Minister
- FPC Youth Annual Mission Trip
- Samaritan’s Purse, Operation Christmas Child
- Loren Thomas-Zena Launchpad–Uganda
- Brian and Melody Whitaker—Ministering to Muslims in Michigan
This year, the theme of our Global Impact Celebration is “Crossing Boundaries”. We can face all manner of boundaries in our attempts to reach out in the name of Jesus; social, cultural, physical, and emotional to name just a few. As we, and our ministry partners traverse these boundaries, the Missions and Outreach Board suggests three ways we all can participate in the missions and ministries of First Protestant Church:
- Pray for our missions partners.
- Pray for the missions board as they work to find and partner with new missionaries and ministries.
- Pray for the lost in New Braunfels, Texas, and around the world.
- Pray for mission trip teams representing Jesus to the lost.
COMMIT to PARTICIPATE—here’s a few ideas to get you started:
Jerusalem (locally, in New Braunfels)
- Stuff a bag with dry and canned goods and donate to SOS Foodbank
- Volunteer to stock shelves or sort inventory at the SOS Foodbank
- Make a large casserole for 30+ to donate to Salvation Army.
- Donate diapers to Options for Life
- Donate laundry supplies to Family Promise
- Volunteer at St. Judes—be a mentor, a tutor, or help organize supplies.
- Be a FPC Mentor at Carl Schurtz
- Participate in Big Serve Saturday
Judea/Samaria (Texas and North America)
- Check Amazon for wish lists for Strategic Alliance, Mision de Candelilla.
- Sign up for a spring mission trip to Reynosa with Strategic Alliance (various dates in March, check website)
- Sign up for a summer mission trip to Michigan with the Whitakers (guests at last year’s GIC) Mid July
- Sign up for a spring mission trip to Mexico with Mision de Candelilla (various dates in March, April, and May—check website)
Ends of the Earth (Everywhere Else!)
- Participate in the Samaritan’s Purse Operation Shoebox Ministry. Fill a shoebox with toys.
- Send a Christmas card to a missionary.
- Or—consider serving on the Missions Outreach Board as a champion—a missionary contact, or board member.
Giving a one-time gift or an ongoing pledge to the Missions of First Protestant ensures we can continue to support and expand our Global Impact for Christ—from right here in New Braunfels to the ends of the Earth.
For more information about the Missions and Ministries we support, or to get involved, please contact Sue Saur—